English Teachers

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    • LI Junfang

      Title: Associate Professor

      Email: 702139@csu.edu.cn

    • Professional Experience

        Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Central South University, 2010.10 - present

        Dean of teaching-researching section, School of Foreign LanguagesCentral South University, 2019.07 - present

        Visiting scholar, Penn State University, 2015.02-2016.02

        Lecturer, School of Foreign LanguagesCentral South University, 2002.09- 2010.09

        Teaching Assistant, Central South University, 2000.07- 2002.08

    • Research Specialization

      My research interests lie in the study and practice of applied linguistics, especially in intercultural rhetoric and English writing, and English for Academic Purposes. My current research and teaching concentrations include the theory and the teaching practice of English for academic purposes to the students at UG level. I held three projects in English for academic purposes both at the provincial level and the university level. And some of my published papers and edited books are related with the College English writing and English for academic purposes. I was invited to read my paper on 12’s Symposium on Second Language Writing and attended the 2nd EAP top forum in China as well.